Kanyanta Mubanga

Kanyanta is a Content Writer who started his marketing journey in the travel and tourism industry in Zambia — an incredibly beautiful country with one of the seven natural wonders of the world literally at its doorstep.
Kanyanta went on to work in a micro-finance institution and counts his contribution to the growth of the company's online presence as one of his most prominent achievements: starting with no social media and an unindexed website and growing to compete with the biggest banks and players in the sector on the most competitive keywords.
Kanyanta credits his curiosity, love for languages and communication, and his fondness for connecting with people as the motivation that has led him to experience life in Zambia, South Korea, Italy, and now Russia.
The latest challenge, working with 3D scanners and tech, is an exciting one. With an undergraduate degree in IT, writing and learning about 3D tech is both a bit of a foray into the unknown, but also a return to his roots.
Outside of work, his interests are simple: unputdownable books, good coffee, and interesting conversations. He also likes to watch Formula One when Mercedes is winning, and many a Saturday evening is spent either ranting about Arsenal Football Club’s abysmal form, or poking fun at rivals' poor luck.
Latest articles

Can Artec scanners capture objects through glass?
Testing the ability of Artec scanners to capture objects through glass, by digitizing the fragile remains of a creature from the Ice Age, which would extend the local city’s heritage by at least 12,000 years.

Best industrial 3D printers
3D printing is no longer just a concept; today, businesses are using it to gain a competitive advantage. As industry players flood the market with proprietary devices, software, and materials, navigating that space can be quite a challenge.