3D scanning solutions

How Artec 3D is supporting Ukraine

Our new site is here!

Hello everyone! For a long time we’ve been living with our old, clumsy website — artec-group.com. The site was poorly structured and not very clear. We decided to start from scratch and make it user-friendly and informative. This website is our virtual embassy, which we intend to keep clean, neat, and always up-to-date. The web address has changed to artec3d.com to reflect the fact that it is completely dedicated to the topic of Artec 3D Scanners.

All information about the company will remain at the old, corporate domain (artec-group.com). Information about our biometric security products have been moved to a dedicated site — artecid.com.

New features of the site:

  • We added a fabulous «How it works» section
  • Each scanner model has its own page with image galleries, sample scans and detailed information including pricing
  • An informative «Applications» section which outlines various uses for our technology
  • New «Software» section which describes all major functions of the Artec Studio software, which comes free with the purchase of any scanner
  • The site design has been modernized, made clearer and more user-friendly
  • … and we are not done, yet! There is more to come.

So we hope you enjoy the new site and visit it frequently!

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