3D scanning solutions

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Comprehensive Artec Studio 10 video tutorial

Artec Studio is packed with features geared to helping you produce an exact 3D copy of the scanned object in nothing flat. But like anything, it takes a little practice to get well versed.

A good point to start is probably this new video released by our North American partners ScanSource. It’s almost 40 minutes long but it is definitely time well spent.

In the video, ScanSource’s specialist Andrew Bougie talks you clearly through the process of creating a perfect 3D model of a sumo wrestler toy with Artec Spider and Artec Studio 10, carefully explaining each step and giving tips as to when one feature or another might be especially useful.

As much as this video is a great reference source for 3D scanning novices, advanced users of Artec scanners and software, especially those who haven’t upgraded to AS10 yet, will also benefit, as it shows how new AS tools work, such as inpaint missing texture and texture healing.

And that’s not all – ScanSource have prepared a PDF guide which outlines the tools’ functionality and provides recommended settings where applicable. The guide can be downloaded from here.

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