3D scanning solutions

How Artec 3D is supporting Ukraine

Artec makes the perfect Doctor Who

Only very few TV series manage to enthuse their viewers over generations. BBC’s famous «Doctor Who» knows how to do exactly that: broadcasting since 1963, the series has grown to become a widely known brand. Doctor Who mugs, t-shirts, towels, bed linen — fans can even purchase a Doctor Who Monopoly version! More classical, but very popular fan items are Doctor Who action figures. To make the figure look as close to reality as possible, an Artec MH scanner is used to create a precise 3D model of the current «Doctor».

With the series running for several decades, it is no wonder that the main character has to be renewed from time to time. In the series the Doctor «regenerates», whenever the producers feel it is time for a new actor. With the help of Artec’s MH scanner a 3D model was created of the current, the eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith. With thousands of fans collecting the action figures, it was fundamental to create a figurine that looked exactly like the main character fans see Saturday night on TV.

Edmund Barret Ward, Sculpting Director, commented on the scanner: «It’s a very good system. Portable and lightweight, which means that we can get in and get all the details we need». Scanning an actor’s head with the Artec MH takes less than a minute, which is then followed by quick and easy post-processing in Artec Studio.

Thanks to Artec, fans can now enjoy the eleventh Doctor Who action figure — the realest Doctor so far. To watch a video about how the figure was made, click here.

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