Svetlana Golubeva

Svetlana Golubeva has been in the 3D scanning business since 2014, with more than a decade of experience in IT marketing, PR, and sales. She started her career in tech with a business incubator for early-stage startups. Here, Svetlana was involved in PR and marketing for new web applications. Continuing her path in new technologies, she then joined a computer vision startup where she oversaw marketing for a mobile 3D scanning app. During this time, she also managed the coordination of events and customer support – as is often the case in startups, her duties went far beyond her title.
These days, Svetlana sees herself as an all-round marketing professional, the Swiss army equivalent of content. From writing in-depth educational articles and customer stories to crafting words for beautiful email campaigns and landing pages, Svetlana's reach extends to video tutorials and PR, events and marketing research. Whatever it is, she is always raring to go for new professional and creative challenges.
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