Smart car
* Scanned by legacy scanner Artec Ray now upgraded to Ray II.
The complete model of this Smart car was created from approximately 10-13 scans taken from various positions around all sides of the vehicle. We kept 10 spheres (from a Laser Scanner Reference Sphere Set) in the scanner’s field of view while capturing. We also took two scans from below, with the car raised on a car lifter.
In order to get the best results, all glass surfaces and shiny parts sprayed with talc before scanning.
The raw data were processed in Geomagic Design X software. Alignment and triangulation allowed us to get the final 3D model of the Smart car.
Under Creative Commons license v4, attribution to Artec 3D and a link back to our website is all you need to use this 3D model for free.
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Smart car by Artec 3D
Smart car by Artec 3D
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