3D 스캐닝 솔루션

Artec 3D가 우크라이나를 지원하는 방법

Kwick High Tech & Solutions Limited

1개 사무소, 파키스탄

저희에게 연락하세요

Kwick High Tech & Solutions Limited offers Artec 3D scanners and leading 3D printers from across the world. We support clients in many industries, including engineering, healthcare, and prototyping. With our expertise in 3D scanning & 3D printing, we talk customers through their projects and find 3D solutions to suit their needs. Our services include Artec scanner sales, 3D scanning services, 3D printing, product & prototype design, 3D design consultation, etc.

시연 가능한 스캐너

Artec Leo

터치스크린이 내장된 당사의 최고의 3D이자 세계 최초의 무선 및 AI 기반 스캐너

Artec Space Spider

CAD 애플리케이션 등 작은 개체 캡처에 이상적인 도량형 3D 솔루션

장바구니에 추가됨