3D 스캐닝 솔루션

Artec 3D가 우크라이나를 지원하는 방법

Patrick Thorn & Co

1개 사무소, 영국
골드 공인 대리점

Artec 3D 제품에 대한 탁월한 지식, 고객을위한 탁월한 지원.

저희에게 연락하세요

Based in Berkshire UK, on the outskirts of London, Patrick Thorn & Co. is an Artec Gold Certified Partner with extensive experience in 3D scanning technology. Founded in 1991 with a background in mechanical engineering and financial services, Patrick Thorn & Co. quickly established themselves as a dependable provider of professional and robust 3D scanning solutions. The company supplies a wide range of solutions, including 3D scanning tools, used for reverse engineering, mesh surfacing, measurement data acquisition and CNC milling, guaranteeing that everyone, from an industrial designer ora quality control engineer to a sculptor, can find the best products to streamline their workflow. Working with globally recognized brands on the 3D technology market, including Artec 3D, Mayka and Roland among others, this reseller is guaranteed to provide you with the best 3D solutions available on the market today, whether it is a 3D scanner or software you are after. Experienced staff at Patrick Thorn & Co. pride themselves on providing exceptional customer service and supplying their clients with the most fitting 3D technology available. Offering convenient onsite demonstrations of various 3D tools, including portable, handheld, professional 3D scanners, the company’s experts are sure to find you the best solution for your application.

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4 분에 읽음